Ready to expand and transform in preparation for birth?
Do you dream of being able to relax into the process of birth? Rather than dreading it?
‘…deeply transformational…’
‘…hours afterwards in a state of bliss and self connection…’
“…highly recommend this work to anyone wanting to connect more deeply with themselves around pregnancy, conception and birthing…”
Are you keen to do the inner work required to claim the experience as your own?
Ready to bring your baby into this world with gentle, loving awareness, whilst accessing your fierce and powerful Mama Love?
The more you own the experience, the easier pregnancy and birth will be for you.
Especially if you are choosing a different path to your family, or to the majority.
In this political and medical climate, you actually need access to your strength throughout pregnancy. Challenges tend to arise to be transformed at any point along the procreative adventure – so the earlier you start your journey the better!
Maybe you’ve heard, your whole life long, the story of how hard birth can be? How dangerous, traumatic and absolutely intense? How excruciatingly painful?
Most of us have. Not a great imprint. Maybe you’ve heard that all you need to do is “trust your body”, that it knows what to do.
Oh, and surrender. Ummm. Yep. But HOW?
Maybe you’re secretly terrified? Not only of giving birth, but of all these uncomfortable feelings that are coming up?
It’s possible you’re having;
Doubts, about your bodies ability to do this
Anxiety, about the need to be assertive (with your partner, doctors, friends, in laws or even your Mum)
Fears, of the medical system (like authoritarian doctors, unnecessary surgery or interventions)
Do you have a strong physical and emotional response just going to a hospital, even if this is what you’re planning to do for birth?
Maybe you’ve had a previous traumatic birth or one that you were not happy with and it’s all coming up again, even though it’s been years
So that you can relax into your pregnancy.
Embrace your experience, make it your own, regardless of how your birth unfolds
Cultivate intuition. Know that you have everything you need to face the next phase of life with a newborn
Do the inner work required
Get out of your own way
Get those proverbial big girl panties on
Because it’s your birth, your body, your baby.
What if I could help you to access the sense of strength, power and courage you might feel after giving birth – before you go into labour?
Birth Into Being – With Ease & Grace
A unique online course:
Do the processes offered within the course at your own pace, or follow a week by week routine.
Leave as much or as little time between processes as feels right to you. You might like to take yourself away for a weekend and treat the course as a private retreat!
6 weeks of processes, with discussion threads, and interaction welcome via email or FB Group.
A private, closed facebook group of like minded people who are also working with the Birth Into Being Method in this course, over time. Sharing experiences, feedback and ideas around the processes you are doing.
Resource Lists for further study and education, as this course is experiential.
Discounted rates for personalised, private support.
Birth Into Being With Ease & Grace
Offers you:
A pathway to bring your baby into life with awareness and conscious intention.
Awareness and experiences that nurture and bring about the sacred nature of pregnancy and birth.
Belief in your body, belief in yourself. That ‘trust in your body’, that everyone talks about.
Understanding and conviction about what you need to do to prepare.
The guts (aka chutzpah) required to gather care providers and the team that is just right for you. And to easily say no to those who wanna help, but don’t fit with your ideal scenario.
Confidence to step into the unknown that birth (and parenting!) is.
Strength and power that you will need in order to give birth, on your own terms, from your own choices, in the manner that you are dreaming of. No matter where or with whom you choose to do it.
An embodied experience of birth that you can draw on when you go into labour. Birth as safe, ecstatic, blissful.
New imprints of early life that remove obstacles and support safe, serene, expansive and unimpeded physiological birth.
A sense of ease and grace as you move through your pregnancy, towards birth.
The unique tools and processes
of the Birth Into Being Method are designed to open a birthing woman and/or her partner to their power and potential.
Founded by Elena Tonetti Vladimirova, Birth Into Being has its roots in the Russian origins of waterbirth and the black sea birth camps.
The Birth Into Being Method is in use all around the world and is fast becoming recognised as a path to healing from a painful past, a less than blissful entry to life and/or traumatic experiences of Birth.
As shared in the groundbreaking documentary, Birth As We Know It.